Hello, sa wa dii krap!
I just came back from a 3 month veterinary semester abroad through LoopAbroad. While in Thailand I worked with small animals by spaying and neutering dogs and cats, marine animals including sea turtles and coral reef ecosystems, and large animals specifically elephants. I spent 2 weeks at a small animal clinic assisting in spays and neuters, a week and a half doing coral reef conservation/restoration, and assisted in a sea turtle hospital located in Rayong Thailand. A week working with Chiang Mai Night Safari vets and staff to make an enrichment for the animals at the zoo. Two weeks doing clinical work with the elephant vets and shelter vets at Elephant Nature Park ENP. And finally two weeks volunteering at Ran-Tong Save and Rescue Elephant Center and BEES elephant sanctuary.
Below is a video montage of photos taken in Thailand created by loop staff.